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iTRACK FOUNDATION is an online EYFS pupil tracking system designed to provide all types of Early Years settings with an easy to use yet comprehensive system for analysing pupil’s progress through the Early Years Foundation Stage, from birth to the Reception year. The pupil tracking system’s Profile Builder allows practitioners to share evidence of their children’s learning journey with parents, thereby enhancing parental engagement. Teachers can identify and track how pupils are progressing and evidence their journey through the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) for the benefit of parents, senior leaders and inspectors like OFSTED.

Features and Benefits of iTRACK Foundation Early Years Pupil Tracking

  • User friendly on either laptops, tablets or mobiles

  • Simplified data entry options, saving teachers time and energy

  • Totally flexibility for curriculum tracking – any subject and learning objects, with either Developments Matters or Birth to 5 frameworks as default options

  • Colour-coded to make tracking simple and easy to understand

  • Profile Builder records photos for evidence of progress and pupils’ learning journey with parental logins to aid parental engagement

  • Detailed reports on EYFS pupil progress and attainment for senior leaders and OFSTED inspections

  • Comprehensive and customised reports for parents, either online, print or email as PDF

Why not book a demo & try it for FREE!

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