iTRACK STRATEGIC by iTRACK Education is an online pupil tracking system that aggregates and compares multiple iTRACK accounts where schools are working together, making it an ideal tool for Multi Academy Trusts, Federated Schools and Clusters. With ever increasing demands on teachers time iTRACK STRATEGIC can save valuable hours enabling schools to compare and contrast school results overall and by year groups as well as by all subjects and components.
Features and benefits of iTRACK STRATEGIC
Review Attainment Results across your MAT

View Attainment Results across schools
View every schools results for your term and academic year of choice*.
Data can be viewed in graphical form or viewed as a table (as below)with percentages and pupil counts.

Strategic MAT Transition Matrix
View every schools results for your term and academic year of choice*
Use iTRACK Strategic to identify school strengths, areas for improvement and provides information down to component level, enabling school and MAT leaders to view the strongest schools in specific components, such as fractions or algebra in maths.
All reports can be filtered by Year Groups as well as all of the usual iTRACK Primary filters: Gender, SEND, Free School Meals, Pupil Premium, EAL and many more!
*Schools added to iTRACK STRATEGIC must use the same terminology of each other to enable comparisons.
View Progress across your MAT schools

View Progress across schools
Identify school progress across each subject, term and year group. As with attainment, this can be viewed in table or graphical form.
Strategic also offers summarised view as well as a complete view. In the image below, the progress results have been summarised as below expected and expected or better.
All reports in iTRACK STRATEGIC can be filtered by Year Group and the usual iTRACK Primary filters.
Compare Phonics Results across schools

Compare Phonics Results across schools
View each schools % of pupils who’ve met or not met the phonics standard for the current year and previous academic years.
Compare Key Stage Results
Each school's Key Stage results (EYFS/KS1/KS2) are also pulled through into iTRACK STRATEGIC
All KS1/KS2 data including Teacher Assessments and Scaled Scores are shown in tabular or graphical view (graphical shown below)
Allows MAT Leaders to identify strong schools in the trust and implement their practices into other schools.

Compare Key Stage Results