iTRACK Primary – Pupil Tracking software for Primary, Infant, Junior and Middle Schools
Whatever type of school, no matter what size, no matter what curriculum you follow, iTRACK Primary has a solution to meet your needs. The system can track whatever subjects, components and learning objectives are needed with a range of assessment options available from assessing without levels (using your terminology) to numerical assessments and standardised scores. Furthermore, the iTRACK Primary Pupil Tracking system provides a comprehensive range of reports and dashboards to meet all your school’s reporting needs.
Features and benefits of iTRACK Primary
Intuitive and simple to use with flood filling data entry options
Records both summative and formative assessments from Early Years to Year 6, showing attainment and progress

Attainment Venn
Three dashboards covering attainment, progress and combined subjects (reading, writing and maths) provide all your key data analysis in one easy place and show which cohorts are on track
Pupil data is updated daily from your MIS by our integration partner Wonde
Filter by key attributes such as vulnerable pupils, groups and classes
Just £3.50 per pupil
Start trialling for 90 days free of charge
Filtering Groups

Filtering Groups
Import statutory assessment data such as SATs, Phonics and multiplication checks direct from your MIS system – saving valuable time on data entry
Enter formative and summative teacher assessments, standardised scores and other scores, such as for “effort”
Manage and record assessments for pupils with SEND who may be working below age related expectations
The Report Writer produces customisable termly and end of year reports with many advanced reporting features, saving time and duplication

View school data in the context of National and Regional comparisons from the Department of Education (DfE) with iTRACK’s Bigger Picture feature

Attainment Venn


Absence Rates